Wednesday, September 7, 2011

It's a little bit funny

The man and I saw each other, and almost everyone else that I love, this weekend at my parents' house. It was lovely. We spent the whole weekend hanging out with my friends and my family -- including my adorable nephew who is almost a year old. Wow! I feel like he was just born yesterday; and now he's crawling around, yelling about things, pushing every button he can find, and getting his hand stuck in the recliner.

(It wasn't pretty. But nothing was broken, so he's okay.)

I just love that child to pieces.

But, other than singing with my nephew, I also watched the new episode of Doctor Who with my wonderful friends. That show is my happy place. I always feel like everything will be okay when I'm watching that show. Because, of course, the Doctor always saves the day. Sometimes bad things happen, but it's all okay in the end. Maybe I just wish that the Doctor will sweep in one day and carry me off in the TARDIS to have grand adventures with him, and then return me five minutes after we left.

The fact that Amy Pond manages to do this and still make it back in time for her wedding makes this option extra-tempting...

Speaking of the wedding (I know you were wondering how long I'd be able to avoid talking about it), the man and I also spent a significant part of the weekend thinking about, talking about, and compiling our guest list. What a headache! I feel like I'm organizing a VIP party. And I don't even like parties. They stress me out. What to do? What to eat? Where will they stay? Too many things to think about. And then there's the actual party. Do I have to talk to everyone? It looks like A___ isn't having a good time, maybe I should encourage her to talk to B___! Dear oh dear. All these things I should not be concerned about, but am anyway. That's life, I guess.

Here's a heads-up, those of you coming to the wedding: Please entertain yourselves. All our friends are awesome, so it won't be hard.

But in addition to the actual Being Allergic To Parties aspect, weddings also have this odd tradition of inviting a lot of people who probably won't come. As if planning a party wasn't crazy enough! This makes any sort of count almost impossible, because they could come if they wanted to. They could, potentially, hop on a plane and fly from Washington to Ohio to see their wife's-cousin's-daughter get married. I mean, they have an invitation, don't they? And, knowing my family, I'm not ready to discount that possibility.

This is a dumb tradition. I don't know why it hasn't been replaced by something more useful. This is, after all, the 21st century. Why don't we have Pre-Wedding Announcements or something? Like a polite way to inform people that you're getting married so they can send their regards if they wish, but not an actual invitation. That would be less hassle. And less stress.

But alas, the wedding industry is all about stress.

And, the wedding industry is all about traditions, too. There are so many weird things we do at weddings. Does anyone even know why? I've looked up a few of these things for my own personal satisfaction, but that doesn't necessarily make me feel better about having them at my wedding.

But, I'll get into wedding traditions in my next post. Back to the discussion at hand:

Who on earth am I sending invitations to?

If the world was a perfect place, I would jump into the TARDIS and visit my wedding, so I can see which of my distant relatives show up and which of them don't. Then I could just send invitations to the perfect number of people with no guesswork involved!

Unfortunately, this is not the case. And so, I must continue to stare at the list of names and try to guess. It also might be helpful to know how many people can fit into the fellowship hall at church... I should probably call the secretary and find out. Just one more thing I've forgotten to do. Ugh.

Well, it's off to class with me. Gotta talk about nouns in my grammar class, than the Iliad in literature. I feel like I'm living in two different worlds.

Until next time.

Lyrics in title from "Your Song" as sung by Cameron Mitchell

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