Thursday, March 4, 2010

Bread and [peanut]Butter Living

Jesus said that man cannot live on bread alone, but I'd like to comment that bread is a nice supplement to life. I didn't realize how much I missed bread until I didn't have it for ten days. Especially when food is psychologically unfulfilling, bread is a lifesaver. In my head, I know that I'm getting all the nutrients I need. However, when I'm eating hummus and pretzels, my brain says "snack!" and waits for the meat. This is a mental issue that I'm working to overcome. In the meantime, however, I can eat a PB&J, and the sandwich-like quality of the food registers as a meal, for once. Thank goodness.

The vegan bread is due to the great kindness of my future potential roommate's family. I also came home from their house with a container of vegan spaghetti and a container of vegetable soup -- both completely delicious and unfortunately very gone. They also made vegan garlic bread while I was there: homemade french bread with olive oil and garlic. Who would've thought? I've decided that I like this family very much, especially because I can tell that they're much like my family in the eating department.

"Flavor comes from fat," the dad said, looking a bit perturbed as he tried to figure out another way to make things taste good. (He did figure something out in the end, because that soup was amazing.)

And it's true. It's surprising how much less flavorful most foods are without any animal products in them. I can even taste the difference in vegan bread versus normal store-bought bread. On one hand I feel like I taste less preservatives and unnecessary products, but I also feel like the bread is just not as flavorful. This also might have something to do with the fact that honey is not vegan. Apparently vegans also care about the multitudes of insects that we kill on a daily basis walking from the house to the car. It wouldn't surprise me if I heard that PETA was going to start calling bees honey kittens or something. Much like their mind-blowing sea kitten campaign. (Honestly. Fish look nothing like kittens. They are nothing like kittens. Why, PETA, why?) Something in me wonders if this all didn't start because of The Bee Movie...

This weekend, I also got to share the wonders of Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog with my friend, and we together watched the entirety of A Very Potter Musical in one sitting. I don't know if you know, but that's quite a feat. I've been singing songs from it ever since, and I'm probably okay with that. What a refreshingly smart fan movie of a delightful book series.

Next week is Spring Break, where I get to stop being vegan for six days. Yes! However, the family I am visiting is eating all sorts of crazy-weird-almost-vegan at the moment, so I'm not sure how much of a relief it will be. Ah, well. At least I don't have to read labels.

Interesting accidentally-vegan food of the day: Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Yay, life! However, it's better to eat this cereal dry, because something in it makes soy milk congeal and leave little chalk-deposits all over my delicious sugary goodness. Yarrgh!

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